Do you love looking at the glossy and beautiful pages of Vogue, Elle, Grazia, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, etc. ? Do you love to read about fashion, beauty and lifestyle? If you're reading this blog, I'm pretty sure you do. I absolutely love fashion and beauty magazines and they can make you feel happier even on crappy days. The one reason I never subscribe to an online magazine is because I don't like reading magazine's online. I want to touch the glossy and smooth pages and smell the distinct new-magazine-smell that I adore so much. Now let me tell you about this amazing dream that has come true.

Clique Magazine is a new fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazine just like the ones I listed above but still very different. Unlike the ones I listed, Clique is completely free! Unlike most free magazines, you get a printed copy mailed to your house every month (That's right! It's not an online magazine. I was surprised too). They also call it "the world's first shoppable magazine". This means that if you see anything like clothing, accessory or makeup product that a model in the magazine is wearing and like it, you can buy it for yourself. Clique also has a mobile app which allows you to access extra and special content for free and download or bookmark articles or pages from your printed issue. Honestly, it just sounds like the most fun you could have with a magazine.
You can sign up for it by clicking the picture above and it will take you to the sign up page. You can also click here to go sign up for it. So go sign up before they run out of stock!

Clique Magazine is a new fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazine just like the ones I listed above but still very different. Unlike the ones I listed, Clique is completely free! Unlike most free magazines, you get a printed copy mailed to your house every month (That's right! It's not an online magazine. I was surprised too). They also call it "the world's first shoppable magazine". This means that if you see anything like clothing, accessory or makeup product that a model in the magazine is wearing and like it, you can buy it for yourself. Clique also has a mobile app which allows you to access extra and special content for free and download or bookmark articles or pages from your printed issue. Honestly, it just sounds like the most fun you could have with a magazine.
You can sign up for it by clicking the picture above and it will take you to the sign up page. You can also click here to go sign up for it. So go sign up before they run out of stock!
i love reading magazines :) love Merinda Kerr :) would you like to follow each other dear :) xx